
Executive Coaching Services

Elevate your organization's leadership potential with our customized Executive Coaching solutions.

Are you a top executive wanting to have an even greater performance edge?

Are you, or do you want to be on your company's “fast track”?

Are you responsible for developing top talent and “high potentials” in your organization?

Leader Development

Dedicated 1:1 Coaching

Dedicated 1:1 Coaching

Our Executive Coaching services support your top talent in leveraging their strengths, honing their skills and optimizing their leadership performance.

Leadership Team Coaching

Leadership Team Coaching

Executive coaching provides a customized, context-driven support mechanism that builds the individual's self-awareness and accelerates their development

Group Programs

Group Programs

We also offer specialized coaching programs for different groups like women leaders or start-up founders who have unique challenges.

Areas of Expertise

Executive Coaching for Women leaders

Rightly or wrongly, women often face different challenges on their leadership journey. Several of our coaches are women who have risen to the executive levels in organizations prior to becoming coaches, so we have lived experience of how to navigate and be successful.

We work with women leaders who are considered to be top talent in their organizations to support their understanding of what it takes to rise up and how to do it such that they retain their individuality and leverage their unique gifts and competencies.

New executive onboarding

Our new executive onboarding program supports successful integration into the organization's culture (or peer group in the case of internal promotions), framing of short and long-term challenges and recognizing and building key stakeholder relationships.

Six months of dedicated executive coaching support can provide a new member of your senior team a partner in their adjustment process - a safe sounding board and experienced navigator of politics and people - to accelerate their transition into the role and to set them up for success.

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Our program assesses your technical leaders, identifies their strengths and areas for development, works with them and their executive stakeholders to set objectives, and sets up a structure of ongoing meetings, real-time observations and feedback sessions such that they learn how to coach rather than tell, how to develop their team members and how to create successors in order that there is more leader capacity in the overall system.

Top Talent development

Your high potential people are often too busy doing the work to be thinking about their career path and as a result may not be appropriately preparing themselves for their next move. Our executive coaches work with high achievers to help them get clear on what they want and what it will take to get them there.

Executive coaching is often used instead of conventional outplacement services for senior level individuals when a change in career direction is being considered. Our executive career coaching program supports the personal reflection and consideration of alternatives that is critical to re-establishing oneself on the executive track - or off it, if that's the best course of action.